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Author Topic: Belfast Cycling Awareness  (Read 7709 times)


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Belfast Cycling Awareness
« on: February 09, 2012 »


Here is a Facebook page I think everyone should be liking.  Regardless of you cycling in the city or not.  Even if you dont cycle I think all road users need to be more aware of cyclists.

Please Like and pass it on as much you can.


wee gaz

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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012 »

does this include the ones that go through red lights ,in and out of traffic ,on and of pavements,change lanes without looking or signaling, go up inside of cars and give finger when realizing car is indicating to turn left at next junction,up inside of cars at red lights then sit in middle of lane at front of queue taking of as slow as possible or my favourite,dont take feet of peddles at lights, just put hand on a car for ballance.this happened once to me. much to the cyclists surprise as there were no cars behind me i just quickly reversed changed lanes and lights went green


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012 »

That was brilliant of you wee gaz. Really mature thing to do. That cyclist had no right to put his hand on your car but you are worse than the cyclist. Your putting his life in danger by doin that. It's attitudes like yours needs changed and you have just highlighted the fact even more so. Cheers for that. Some guy walked up and put his hand on your shoulder would you push him out into the road?

To answer your question. Yes that page will be used to highlight cyclists who do all of the above. There is no excuse for cyclists riding the way you discribe but peoples attitudes have to change and stop tarring them all with the one brush. Cyclists like that give cycling a bad name but drivers taking the law into there own hands is just the thing needs to change.

wee gaz

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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2012 »

thought that comment would kick of a good debate. the reversing bit didnt actually happen but shows attitudes on both sides need to change like you said. i ride a motorbike everyday to work so have a bit of an idea what its like. im of this so now im of in car to do school run ,should be fun


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2012 »

As I said attitudes have to change and on both sides. I for one am not a "cyclists rule and everyone should get out of my way" type person. I ride a motorbike, cycle and drive a Van/Car. It's only when you are in two wheels do you realise how bad the driving can be. Yes I see the idiots run reds and going across pavements and it annoys me just as much.

More and more people are turning to bikes as means of transport and they need to learn the rules of the road as well.


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2012 »

I once was turning right and put my hand up to shown intent and the car coming towards me flashed his light to let me go then some idiot in a taxi overtook me and almost had me clean of. Would of been a real mess if I conected.
No one goes inside to clear their head


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2012 »

does this include the ones that go through red lights ,in and out of traffic ,on and of pavements,change lanes without looking or signaling, go up inside of cars and give finger when realizing car is indicating to turn left at next junction,up inside of cars at red lights then sit in middle of lane at front of queue taking of as slow as possible or my favourite,dont take feet of peddles at lights, just put hand on a car for ballance.this happened once to me. much to the cyclists surprise as there were no cars behind me i just quickly reversed changed lanes and lights went green
I know what you mean, I see many cyclists disrespect normal drivers and worse, pedestrians... which to me is just having the same dangerous attitude that many car drivers show to someone on a bike.

I do go through the odd red light, but either only if it is about to change and to get up to speed or out of the traffic's way or if I will not disrupt any vehicle or pedestrian (ie. no-one is around).
I will weave in & out of traffic when it is jammed up, because there's no point sitting when I don't have to, and I'll only go to the front of a queue if the traffic is busy and the cars won't be going any further than the next set of lights anyway.
I also will lean on a parked car the odd time, but never one that may move. Usually I just track-stand cause I'm awesome  ;D
I only use the pavement slowly near my house as it's a bad patch of road and I don't always feel like doing 25mph to filter safely over.

The thing is drivers are slightly inconvenienced, but cyclists nearly die. The scenarios you describe are showing cyclists at fault, but what I experience are people pulling out in front of me, over & undertaking where there is no space, sitting right behind me even coming up to red lights, shouting illogical abuse, overtaking to turn left, not using indicators, and I see so many drivers texting and using phones around town not watching the road at all.
Sometimes I do hog the lane, but it's for my own safety and I have every right to. You seem aware and are probably a cycle-safe driver, but I just see or hear a car and have to assume it'll do something stupid.

There's room on both sides to improve, but it appears to be human nature to be selfish so the majority will always feel vindicated. The time of the private car in the city is definitely ending though, and even in the country has become abundant just due to the way our society has shaped over the years...isolated habitation, long commutes, dismantling of public transport and pressures on time, time, time. We all need to slow it all down if you ask me  8)
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wee gaz

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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2012 »

drivers get fed up cause they pay tax,insurance,driving lessons,driving tests,car parking,then if caught speeding careless dangerous,on phone etc etc,none of these seem to apply to cyclists.driving is 1 big tax for the government, then they are taxed to pay for cycle lanes which some dont use.this is werechange is needed on both sides. drivers that bikes do exist and are vunrable and cyclists that laws of the road apply to them aswell and are there to keep everyone as safe as possible


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2012 »

The Road Tax argument is a load of rubbish. What about pedestrian crossings and walk ways. Should drivers disregard pedestrians because they don't pay tax. What about the drivers that are parked all the way along the cycle lane near my home. They don't get booked for parking on it. I have to ride on the road cause some inconsiderate f#*+~¥ thinks its ok to park there.

Filtering in traffic is legal I thought you riding a motorbike you would know that.
I'm sure you also have witnessed the cars clocking u in the mirror and squeezing the gap so you can't filter. 

I don't want money wasted on cycle lanes we can't use because someones parked in it.

Attitudes have to change.


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2012 »

driving is expensive... but pretty much all the costs are related to the vehicle, it's requirements and the consequences... and painful as it is to pay for that, just because we do doesn't give us any more right on the road (I still have a motorbike and drove for 10yrs including for my job).

I'd hate to hit someone with my bike, but if I ever did they'd be pretty annoyed and a bit bruised, and I'd be in much the same state if not worse.

The cycle lanes are either blocked by cars, end suddenly and dangerously, are full of puncturing debris, or not designed for speeds above 10mph. Cars pay tax on fuel and emissions. I pay tax on income, goods bought, extra chocolate biscuits I eat due to the energy spent  :)
We all pay for roads, cycle lanes, hospitals, schools, and unfortunately bombs & bullets to destroy those things in other countries :(
"Go thou my incense upward from this hearth,
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Al Fresco

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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2012 »

   Cycling in Holland, We have a very long way to go until we get our cities this well organised for cyclists.
 Not a red faced steering wheel gripping slobbering get outta my way motorist in sight either.
Seriously though what is the problem with a cyclist in front of you, where are you going to that is so important that you cant afford a fellow human being a few seconds of your patience to either let them get out of the way or for you to over-take.
 I drive nearly 1000 miles a week in a truck, I drive a 4x4 and have ridden just about every motorcycle in production, and one thing I can assure you of, there is nowhere you need to be in such a hurry that you should endanger a persons life. Manners and common sense seem to be very lacking on our roads today and in a lot of other areas too.
Perhaps if a person see's cyclists and pedestrians, road-works, traffic lights and rush hour traffic congestion as their mortal enemy, I suggest that person looks closely at themselves and asks if maybe they are the problem.


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Re: Belfast Cycling Awareness
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2012 »


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