Northern Ireland Outdoors Forum - Hiking, camping and more

Outdoor Activities => Northern Ireland Camping and Bushcraft => Topic started by: chris on September 02, 2009

Title: Hill Habits
Post by: chris on September 02, 2009
After my last post it got me thinking, what are everyones hill habits? bad or good. I'll start,
I need to touch the trig pillar of every new summit I bag!
I have a ritual of brewing fresh coffe on every new sumit!

These seem to be my bad habbits:
I only carry one litre of water, no matter if its a day trip or a week.
I rarely carry a map
I never bring a FAK
I'm pretty crap at talking little breaks and prefer to stop for 30mins or so for lunch instead of every 15mins (Not bad in my opion, but it seems to annoy my mates!)
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: Cardnim on September 03, 2009
I dont do much hill walking Chris, so I cant say.

But, whats a FAK?
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: RedLeader on September 03, 2009
I haven't been on the hills enough to form any habits but vomiting or coughing up a lung might fit :D
I always carry a map, compass and fak, even if I'm only somewhere local. Not that I'm overly proficient or sensible, I just don't like to be one of those people that hillwalkers talk about :D

(FAK is a first aid kit)
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: Cardnim on September 03, 2009
doh!  :-[
I was wrecking my brain trying to think of "something and something" eg. Food and Kabbage?!, Feet and Knees, or maybe its his Fun and Karaoke that he doesnt pack?!?!  :P
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: chris on September 03, 2009
lol, yeah FAK is 1st aid kit. Fun and karaoke is one thing that you can never afford to leave at home! You could have the worlds best 1st aid kit but there's no better morale booster than a good old sing song when your out on the hills!
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: 666_pack on September 03, 2009
the only real ritual I have is carrying a hipflash and having a wee sip at each summit. :-[
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: RedLeader on September 03, 2009
the only real ritual I have is carrying a hipflash and having a wee sip at each summit. :-[

Trouble with hipflasks is they only hold 100ml...
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: 666_pack on September 03, 2009
all depends on what you put in it and mine is not filled with beer ::)
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: MG1 on September 03, 2009
I just got a qtr bottle of Absinthe if any ones game. Its the lightweight version its only 60%.
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: chris on September 03, 2009
Noooooooooo! Absinthe and me do no agree! last time I had some the next thing I remember is getting turfed out on my ear by a few bouncers!
Title: Re: Hill Habits
Post by: NeilB on September 03, 2009
Sounds like 1 of those nights that comes back in bits and pieces. And everytime you remeber something you cringe with embarrassment, lol.

Which got me thinking what happened to the night out that was planned ?