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Information => Outdoor News and Events => Topic started by: ChuckMcB on March 15, 2013

Title: 34th Annual Causeway Coast Challenge Walk
Post by: ChuckMcB on March 15, 2013

The Causeway coast marks the steep interface of the Antrim basalts and the Atlantic Ocean. Southwards agricultural land rises gently to the Antrim hills. Eastwards is Rathlin Island while northwards is the island of Islay, visible on a clear day. To the West a series of sandy beaches and headlands draw the eye towards the Inishowen Peninsula.

People walking this Causeway coast have from time to time had a “feeling” of the past. Step into the time capsule and experience the sulphureous smells and explosions of volcanic activity millions of years ago. Was it just Finn McCool and his mates engineering their own causeway? Could it be possible that Stone Age man inhabited some of the coastal caves? Dunseverick was definitely the northern terminus of the high road from Tara. Is it true that the strains from the Irish harp lured the Spanish galleass to its doom at Lacada Point? Were salmon landed at Portbraddan on their way to spawn in their home river, the Bush? 

Walk details

 Sunday 5 May 2013
 Start and finish at Portballintrae Village Hall    
 Start time and registration between 08.00 and 09.00    
 Route follows the coastal path eastwards via the Causeway headlands to Portbraddan    
 Return westwards from Portbraddan to Portballintrae    
 Walking distance is approximately 30 kilometres    
 Entry fee for adults (over 16) £6.00    
 Good walking shoes and suitable clothing, plus food and drink are essential    
 Badges and certificates will be awarded to people completing the distance    
OS map 5 (Ballycastle)

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