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Author Topic: Best Hammock for a FatterGit?  (Read 13286 times)

Hound of Ulster

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Best Hammock for a FatterGit?
« on: August 07, 2009 »


am looking for advice about hammocks, for wild camping etc.

As the subject suggests I am slightly over weight at approx 22 stones. :-[

Anyone and advice on hammocks for featherlites like me? :P

I have seen Hennessey do hammock that would cope with my weight.



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Re: Best Hammock for a FatterGit?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009 »

DD hamocks also do a hammock for the bigger frame, you have to ask them for the bigger straps for the hammock.
For bigger guys like you and I, I suggest the ground with a therma rest and a bivvy bag as when I get into the hammock I just dont trust it and end up sleeping on the floor anyway.

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