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Author Topic: Davagh Delivered - Free Mountain Bike demo and coaching  (Read 10543 times)


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Davagh Delivered - Davagh Forest Co. Tyrone.

The weekend of the 20th & 21st April is the first open event of the new Davagh Forest mountain bike trail network.  Chain Reaction Cycles will be there on both days with bikes for any one to demo. (Booking is essential please follow the link below for details)  Outdoor Concepts will be on hand to guide and coach skills to those new to the sport or someone who hasn't biked in years and wants to give it ago again.  The best part is its free to give it ago.  So why not leave the walking boots at home and come up for what is shaping up to be a great weekend. 


Also taking place is the Davagh Enduro.  This event is designed for any ability and will be you against the clock on 5 special timed stages within a loop of the new Mountain bike trails.  We have already some NI-Wild Entries be good to see some more.  More details at the link below.  This event is £35 per rider and that covers the electronic timing, event fees, secure online payment page, number plates, medical cover, food after the event.  There will be medals for the top three in each category and 4th place prize also.  Hopefully a rider raffle for all entered.

Enter Online:    https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?event_id=1021
Event Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/DavaghEnduro


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Yup, I'm in. Shall be exciting taking on a new trail with my noob skillz  :D

Only heard at the weekend work will be doing the demo day. Don't think I'll be doing that, although see if I can wangle it for a lift up.
"Go thou my incense upward from this hearth,
And ask the gods to pardon this clear flame." - Thoreau

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