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Author Topic: One for the BBQ.  (Read 14581 times)

Glenn B

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One for the BBQ.
« on: April 27, 2014 »

Out for a wee bit of trout fishing a few Fridays ago, its good to be out again after the winter months. The season up at our place started of slowly March was still pretty cold and the trout were a bit sluggish but with the wee rise in temperature and a bit more fly life things have begun to kick off with plenty of fish coming to the bank..

My day started off well with two coming to the net before lunch the first was knocked on the head as BBQ season is fast approaching and the others were returned to the water for another day. Finished the day with 4 in total and back in the house for 2pm, Nice just to put a few hours in rather than making it an endurance test of a whole day affair!!
011 by Glenn B119, on Flickr009 by Glenn B119, on Flickr
007 by Glenn B119, on Flickr

014 by Glenn B119, on Flickr

015 by Glenn B119, on Flickr

013 by Glenn B119, on Flickr

012 by Glenn B119, on Flickr

Take your time you'll see so much more!
Without goals you cannot score!


  • Has Camped With NI-Wild
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Re: One for the BBQ.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2014 »

Looks like a great day, can't beat catching and BBQing your own fish! We hardly fished at all last year, will have to try harder this year!

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