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Author Topic: NI-Wild Flyers  (Read 4448 times)


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NI-Wild Flyers
« on: August 10, 2011 »

We've finally managed to get a couple of flyers drawn up. There are 3 types, an A4, A5 and 1/3 A4 (menu size), links are below for both PDF and JPG versions.

Please feel free to print them out and pin them up anywhere that outdoors peeps are likely to be. Notice boards at entrances to popular walks and country parks, campsites, tourist offices and tourist attractions would be great examples (but obviously only put them places that we have permission).

There are also 300DPI print quality versions as well as the original Photoshop artwork, get in touch if you want.

They're pretty basic, any suggestions for improvements or distribution welcome!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011 by admin »

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