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Author Topic: MIDGES!!!  (Read 15428 times)


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« on: June 24, 2009 »

Not sure if this is the right forum but I'll wack it in here anyway.

Went camping last night with a few mates just to annalong forest, it was such a sweet night that we decided not to take a tent and just lie out under the stars in our sleeping bags. However this plan was well and truly thwarted by the midges, we had a small fire going before we wnt to sleep but after about half an hour the midges were everywhere. I've never seen so many before and one of my mates faces was actually covered in tons of purple bite marks. Anyway does anyone know anything about them? is this area a spot to avoid due to the forest on one side and the river on the other? or was it just plain bad luck? obvisouly a tent would have helped, and needless to say i'll never hit the hills without some form of insect repelent ever again!


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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009 »

Time of year + water = midges I'm afraid. (you don't always need the water though  ;D )
Some places are worse than others. Smoke helps, as does insect repellent obviously but I wouldn't want to rely on either if I was sleeping out.
You can get a mosquito head net for a few pounds which work well but I've never tried sleeping with one on. My hammock has a built in mossi net which keeps the little bu**ers out.
Also some people seem to get bitten much more than others, something to do with natural skin oils I think that I remember reading.
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« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009 »

There was a few of them about in the Mournes at the weekend but a breeze came in and kept them away. The lagan has been wild this last few weeks but when you're moving they're not annoying except for the ones you eat (there really were loads of them..) I've never tried repellent but a decent fire definately works.

Besides I've no sympathy since I can never get camping through the week...  ::)


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« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009 »

I've slept with a mozzie net on with no problems. You can still get the odd bite though when the net is touching your skin as they can then bite through it.


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« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2009 »

The Midges got me too. I'm joining the dots as I type I think its some sort of code.  ;D



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« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2009 »

Ur mate must be attractive to the ladies chris...apparently is only pregnant female midgeys that bite  :)
A good natural repellent is bout 1tsp of lemongrass essential oil an half a tsp of citronella in a wee spray bottle mixed wit some water....works a treat an ya get to smell nice toooo!!


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« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009 »

I have been told that Avon skin so soft (and NO I am not a rep for them) is the best Midge repellent about, I have never tried it myself but I know people that have and they say it works a treat.


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« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2009 »

"Skin so soft" does indeed work, but it is far from the best. it needs to be applied every 30 minutes or so (at least that is my experience of it) 50% DEET seems to be the most effective in my experience, though I'm sure that "Skin so soft" is much better for your skin than DEET


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« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2009 »

I think the key here is the breeze, no breeze in the forest so a more exposed spot may be better.Most camp sites  are in sheltered areas.
I've bought a mosie net from greenleaf but hav'nt tried it yet. Does any one know if the mesh is fine enough to stop the midges as they are a lot smaller than mosies
I tried a dock leaf last week on a cleg bite and it took away the itch, it may work for midge bites as well. meadow sweet might be worth a try as it smells like germalene anticepic oinment


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« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2009 »

Meadow sweet does indeed have good anti septic qualities, but I'm not sure is would be a good insect repellant. Bog mirtle is supposed to be a good repelland and I have read articles of it being quite effective, though I haven't tried it myself.

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